Family: Solanaceae
Chinese: 多裂水茄
Description: Shrub or small tree 2–6 m tall, twigs green, stout, covered with yellowish rusty hair, moderately spiny, spines 0.6 cm long, curved, young stems often purplish. Leaves alternate, about 17 cm long, 14 cm wide, egg-shaped, densely hairy on both sides, margin lobed, new leaves and stems densely rusty-yellow-woolly. Flowers white, 3 cm wide, star-shaped, base tubular, petal lobes 5, pointed, anthers yellow, grouped around stigma; pollinated by large bees; inflorescence of tight, branched clusters along internodes near ends of stems; blooms and fruits all year. Fruit fleshy, dull yellow orange, to 2 cm wide, round, cupped in old calyx, stalk swollen; apparently eaten by bats, which disperse the seeds, possibly also by birds.
23 Published articles of Solanum chrysotrichum